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Disabled, and fantastic?!
Damn straight!

Do you, or someone you care about, happen to have a disability?  Are you concerned that this disability may negatively impact chances of fully realizing personal or professional desires and goals?  Guess what?  You're not alone! 


I would be willing to bet that everyone with a disability deals with this fear throughout most of their lives - the key to lifelong success is to feel the fear and act anyway.  Irrespective of whether it's academic success, social integration (making friends, dating, etc.), professional aspirations, or virtually any other goal, many people let their beliefs hold them back far more than their disability would on its own.  These negative self-beliefs are often rooted in the notion that we are different, that different is less, and as a result people will think less of us (yes, I said "us" - I have a disability too=). This stream of logic can be absolutely destructive if, as a result, the decision to act - to go for what you want - is consistently not taken. 


Belief in ones ability to adapt and surmount obstacles is crucial to consistent success, and it takes true courage to face one's fears and to risk failure - or rejection.  Many people - disabled and not - never attain their goals because they allow negative self-talk to dissuade them from performing the necessary actions. 


Will you be afraid?  Every step of the way - but feel the fear and do it anyway.

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